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Fortune and Glory: The Cliffhanger Game - Revised Edition

Fortune and Glory: The Cliffhanger Game - Revised Edition

Fortune and Glory: The Cliffhanger Game - Revised Edition

  • The wildly popular Pulp Adventure board game Fortune and Glory is back with a brand new Revised Edition! A best-selling game since its first release in 2011, fans and new players alike have been clamoring for its return, and this new Revised Edition hits the mark! With a more compact box size, streamlined Rulebook, and over a decade's worth of polish and errata worked in, this is the ultimate version of this classic Cliffhanger adventure game.


    Fortune and Glory, The Cliffhanger Game is a fast-paced game of high adventure, vile Villains, edge-of-your-seat danger, and Cliffhanger Pulp Action. Players travel the globe in search of ancient artifacts, fending off danger and Villains at every turn in a quest for ultimate reward. So strap on your adventure boots and goggles, fire up the engines on the seaplane, and grab some extra ammo for your revolver, the Nazis already have a head start and in this race for Fortune and Glory, there's no prize for second place!

    Revised Edition

    This new Revised Edition of Fortune and Glory includes a revised Rulebook, including updated rules for Temples, and errata from the last 13 years since the original was released.  We cleaned up some card layouts, making some small text easier to read, redesigned the Game Box and Vac Tray for a better size and aspect ratio to fit on your game shelf (and the new tray can hold a lot of additional material).  The Game Board has been updated to a "six-fold" style to fit well in the new box.  We created new Die-Cut Tokens for "Fortune" and "Glory" which stack easily and are more clearly defined in size between the 1-piece and 5-piece coins.  We included handsome new deluxe 16mm dice in pearl Gold and pearl Steel colors.  This new edition is fully compatible with previous expansions and card supplements.  We believe that this new edition is the best version of the game and are excited to get it into the hands of long-time fans of the game, as well as brand new players just discovering it!

    Gameplay Breakdown

    Each player takes on the role of a pulp adventure Hero, hunting down ancient artifacts around the world and collecting Gear and Allies to help overcome the various Enemies, Dangers, and Villains that stand in their way. During each Game Round the Heroes roll off to determine the First Player then all get to Move (starting with the First Player), and then all get to Adventure (starting with the First Player). There are two resources in the game, Fortune and Glory. Heroes collect Glory by defeating Enemies and overcoming Dangers and then spend that Glory to Heal wounds and buy Gear and Allies. They collect Fortune by recovering Artifacts and selling them in cities.

    In the Competitive Game, players race against one another to be the first to collect 15 Fortune. In the Cooperative Game, all of the Heroes work together toward a larger collective Fortune total as they race against a Vile Organization played by the game itself.

    Hry pre náročných
    Počet hráčovPočet hráčov:

    Doba hraniaDoba hrania:
    90-240 min.
    12 +

    Jazyk hry/pravidielJazyk hry/pravidiel:
    Kooperačná hraKooperačná hra:

    Druh hry:

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Ludopolis, s.r.o., Jégého 14
821 08 Bratislava
Slovenská Republika

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Bratislava, Seberíniho 14 (OC Kocka)

IČO: 47619431
DIČ: 2024029755
IČ DPH: SK 2024029755

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