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Empires of the North

Empires of the North

Empires of the North
Empires of the North

Empires of the North


Empires of the North je kartová hra, v ktorej sa hráči v úlohe vodcov pokúsia o to, aby sa ich klan stal tým najväčším impériom!

Kód produktu: 5902560381962

  • Settlers from three Nordic empires have decided to start their voyages and set sail for new lands in hopes of finding more resources, and increasing their opportunities to expand. Building new structures, taking advantage of upcoming events, and outsmarting opponents is their path to greatness. You don’t know who your opponent might be; it might even be a different clan from your nation. Even so, you will do what is necessary. Your current lands are meager, and the resources scarce, so you’ll need to work hard to acquire the food and resources necessary to thrive!

    The game plays out over a series of rounds, during which players explore new lands, construct buildings, trade resources, and sail to new lands with the aim of either conquering, or pillaging to gain more goods! Each action draws the clans closer to becoming the greatest empire! The game ends in the same round that any player reaches the 25 victory points mark.

    The goal of the game is to have the most Victory Points, earned by expanding your Clan and sailing off to unexplored Islands. During the game, players can gain Victory Points from actions taken throughout the game, from Location features, and from the Locations and Resources that are possessed by the Clan. The player with the most victory points at the end of the game has built the greatest Empire and wins the game!


    • 220 cards,
    • over 130 custom wooden markers
    • 1 Expedition board
    • 1 Score board
    • 16 Ship tokens
    • 5 Action tokens
    • 11 Raze Tokens
    • 4 Clan tiles
    • 5 Marker tokens
    • First Player token
    • 2 Multipler tokens
    • 21 Gold tokens
    • 6 Faction markers
    • 8 stickers
    • 1 Solo Variant booklet
    • 1 Rulebook
    Rodinné hry
    Počet hráčovPočet hráčov:

    Doba hraniaDoba hrania:
    40-90 min.
    10 +

    Jazyk hry/pravidielJazyk hry/pravidiel:
    Kooperačná hraKooperačná hra:

    Druh hry:

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Ludopolis, s.r.o., Jégého 14
821 08 Bratislava
Slovenská Republika

Kamenná predajňa:
Bratislava, Seberíniho 14 (OC Kocka)

IČO: 47619431
DIČ: 2024029755
IČ DPH: SK 2024029755

© Všetky práva vyhradené - www.ludopolis.sk
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Fotky z nášho Instagramu

Ludopolis, s.r.o., Jégého 14
821 08 Bratislava
Slovenská Republika

Kamenná predajňa:
Bratislava, Seberíniho 14 (OC Kocka)

IČO: 47619431
DIČ: 2024029755
IČ DPH: SK 2024029755

© Všetky práva vyhradené - www.ludopolis.sk
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