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Nemesis Carnomorphs EN

Nemesis Carnomorphs EN

Nemesis Carnomorphs EN

Kód produktu: 5907222999226
Viac o autorovi: Adam Kwapiński

  • Nemesis: Carnomorphs

    Embark on a chilling journey into the depths of space with Nemesis: Carnomorphs, the gripping expansion to the renowned board game. Awaken Realms presents a harrowing tale that begins with a fateful encounter with a mysterious cat aboard the Adrastea science vessel. Witness the horrifying consequences of a genetic experiment gone awry as you navigate through the chaos of an infested spacecraft. Can you survive the onslaught of Carnomorphs and prevent the spread of this insidious threat?

    Key Features:

    • Origin Story: The game is set in the aftermath of a catastrophic event triggered by a seemingly innocent cat onboard a spaceship. Its accidental exposure to a mysterious XNA virus leads to a nightmarish scenario where players must confront grotesque Carnomorphs.
    • Larvae Threat: Players face the initial onslaught of Metagorgers, the larval stage of the Carnomorphs. These creatures, while initially manageable, pose a threat as they can rapidly multiply and evolve into more dangerous forms if left unchecked.
    • Evolutionary Progression: Shamblers, the evolved form of Metagorgers, present a significant challenge. They are stronger and more formidable, actively seeking out and consuming entire bodies to evolve further. Players must strategize to prevent their evolution by disposing of bodies or risk facing even deadlier Fleshbeasts.
    • Intense Combat Dynamics: Combat mechanics emphasize a proactive approach, pushing players to engage in direct confrontation rather than avoiding conflict. The stakes are high as failing to eliminate threats promptly can lead to the emergence of more powerful adversaries like Butchers.
    • Mutation Mechanics: Mutation cards introduce additional layers of complexity, offering both advantages and disadvantages to players. These mutations, portrayed in a cinematic fashion, force players to adapt their strategies dynamically while facing the ever-escalating threat of the Carnomorphs.
    • Resource Management and Consequences: The expansion introduces the concept of managing corpses left onboard the ship. Players must decide whether to invest resources in disposing of corpses to mitigate future risks or prioritize other objectives, knowing that neglecting the corpses may lead to dire consequences later in the game.


    • 1 Carnomorph board 
    • 5 Help card 
    • 8 Red Metagorger tokens 
    • 2 Blue Metagorger tokens 
    • 1 Fleshbeast token 
    • 4 Intruder Carcass tokens 
    • 20 Carnomorph Attack cards 
    • 20 Event cards 
    • 12 Character Mutation cards 
    • 8 Carnomorph Adaptation cards
    • 8 Metagorger Miniatures
    • 8 Shambler Miniatures
    • 3 Fleshbeast Miniatures
    • 1 Butcher Miniature
    • 1 Rulebook
    Novinky, Rozšírenia
    Počet hráčovPočet hráčov:

    Doba hraniaDoba hrania:
    120 min.
    12 +

    Jazyk hry/pravidielJazyk hry/pravidiel:
    Kooperačná hraKooperačná hra:

    Druh hryDruh hry:

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IČO: 47619431
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IČ DPH: SK 2024029755

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Ludopolis, s.r.o., Jégého 14
821 08 Bratislava
Slovenská Republika

Kamenná predajňa:
Bratislava, Seberíniho 14 (OC Kocka)

IČO: 47619431
DIČ: 2024029755
IČ DPH: SK 2024029755

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